Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Luke!

Five years ago we brought home this darling baby boy.

A couple years later, he loved the new addition to our family.

And he has loved being a big brother again!

We have been so lucky to have Luke as our eldest child. He is so much fun to be around. His adorable little face, whether showing a mischievous grin or pure joy, always brings a smile. He is very sensitive and caring as well as imaginative and silly. He always has new "moves" to show us with his light sabers. Luke loves preschool right now and enjoys reading and drawing. He often wants to "call someone on the phone" and has lots of friends. He is also a great friend to his little brother Owen(when not fighting), who copies EVERYTHING Luke does. He is also a great helper to little Pete who I'm sure will one day adore his big brother too. Happy Birthday, baby boy. I can't believe it's been five years since you joined our family. I love you!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Luke! You are one of our favorite little people! We love you!

Love, the Rose fam!

Heidi said...

Your boys are all so stinkin cute Jenn - I think Luke looks alot like you!

Russell and Aya said...

Hi Jen,
I found your blog through D'lonna.
Wow! Congratulations on your third boy! Your boys are super cute. Thanks for being a wonderful VTeacher when I was there in Texas. I hope you will have a wonderful Christmas and a New Year.

Mary said...

Happy birthday Luke! You've grown a lot since we first met you. We miss you so much!

jo-mama said...

Happy Birhtday Luke! Isn't it wierd to have a five year old. Whenewe got your Christmas card, Eileen said that she wanted to rip Luke out of the picture and hug him. Janie kept that card by her bed for a long time. It got wrinkled by a lot of love. I have been missing you a lot lately. i tlooks like you are hav ing funa nd staying busy. We all miss you guys. PS have you forgiven me yet for putting water on the slide and cutting Luke's foot open? What a way to remember me!
natalie antrobus

Allens, Inc. said...

Oh how I love that cute little nugget. Why can't you still live just around the bend from us? Give him a big squeeze from "Clara's house."