Monday, September 15, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

Dear Joel,
Can you believe it's been seven years already? I agree with you that in some ways it seems like only yesterday we were getting married while in other ways it's hard to remember not being together. I love you. Thanks for being such a wonderful husband and father. I'll be forever grateful you chose me and were so patient in waiting for me to figure out how great you were! Happy Anniversary, baby.
Love always,
p.s. I'm glad you didn't look like this when we first met...first impressions can be hard to shake!
You clean up very well!

Monday, September 8, 2008

More family fun

Grandma Mietus with her oldest (Jared Oaks) and youngest (Peter) grandchild at the bowling alley

My Grandma and I

First and second cousins--Ashley and I with Garrett and Peter (They're only a week apart!)

More second cousin love-My cousin Stephanie and her youngest, Lily with the Pete man

Joel, Pete and I had such a great time seeing and spending time with family. We certainly missed Luke and Owen and were happy to be reunited upon our return.

Peter's Blessing

Do you like my hat?

Wearing the same outfit that his father, uncles, cousins, and both brothers before him wore, Peter was given a name and a blessing on August 9, 2008 during our trip to Utah. It was great to have so many family members with us. Thanks to Grandma Mietus for taking such good care of the outfit that it has become a family tradition and thanks to everyone for making it a special day.

Peter with his Great-Grandma Johnson

Peter with his Grandma Mietus

The Johnson family contingent

The Mietus family representatives

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Wedding

Joel and I were lucky to be able to attend our niece's wedding in Utah on August 7. My mom watched Luke and Owen for us and we took Peter on his first plane ride. (He slept the whole time.) Emily Desmarais married Teancum Light in the Salt Lake City temple and then had a beautiful reception at the Alpine Art Center. We loved seeing Joel's family and had a great time at the wedding. Thanks for inviting us, Emily, we love you!

The happy couple
Does Teancum look thrilled or what?

Benjamin, me, Emily, and Marti
Fun at the reception (Yummy cake behind us)

Doug and Julie
Tired but happy parents of the bride

Emily, Grandma Mietus, Peter
Yes, Peter did have on nicer clothes for the wedding, but instead is wearing the emergency change of clothes from the diaper bag. (Sorry Marti!)

All the cousins (except Jared and Nathan Oaks, Luke and Owen) with Grandma

The Mietus Family
Natalie, John, Stacey, Mom(Grandma), Jason, Julie, and Joel
All the in-laws were there as well, but we escaped the picture!