Monday, October 6, 2008

Thanks to Gustav

Could Luke look any happier?

I know that hurricanes usually don't bring anything good with them. However, Hurricane Gustav required that my sister Autumn evacuate New Orleans-- so she and her friend Rhonda came up to Dallas for a few days. Autumn taught us how to make the Mardi Gras staple of King Cake and played endless hours of Old Maid, Duck, Duck, Goose, Candyland, baseball, basketball, Hide and Go Seek, etc, etc with Luke and Owen. We love Aunt Autumn time! So, thanks, Gustav for this one thing, but please keep away with all your Hurricane friends from now on.
Coloring the sugar for the topping

Just out of the oven

The finished king cake

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That makes me want some king cake! I just bought a ticket for Thanksgiving, so I will see you then!