Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Wedding

Joel and I were lucky to be able to attend our niece's wedding in Utah on August 7. My mom watched Luke and Owen for us and we took Peter on his first plane ride. (He slept the whole time.) Emily Desmarais married Teancum Light in the Salt Lake City temple and then had a beautiful reception at the Alpine Art Center. We loved seeing Joel's family and had a great time at the wedding. Thanks for inviting us, Emily, we love you!

The happy couple
Does Teancum look thrilled or what?

Benjamin, me, Emily, and Marti
Fun at the reception (Yummy cake behind us)

Doug and Julie
Tired but happy parents of the bride

Emily, Grandma Mietus, Peter
Yes, Peter did have on nicer clothes for the wedding, but instead is wearing the emergency change of clothes from the diaper bag. (Sorry Marti!)

All the cousins (except Jared and Nathan Oaks, Luke and Owen) with Grandma

The Mietus Family
Natalie, John, Stacey, Mom(Grandma), Jason, Julie, and Joel
All the in-laws were there as well, but we escaped the picture!


Addie said...

Thanks for posting! great photos! Jason and I had such a fun week with everyone!! Lots of love in the Mietus fam!!!

Trimble said...

So sad you were here and I didn't get to see you guys. Let me know next time you come in town and maybe we can squeeze something in (I know how crazy it gets trying to see everyone).